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John Hardy: My green school dream (TED video)

This video just hit me right over the head. I had a sudden urge to get on the plane and join this man!

Plants Resources Videos

Stefano Mancuso: The roots of plant intelligence

Plants behave in some oddly intelligent ways: fighting predators, maximizing food opportunities … But can we think of them as actually having a form of intelligence of their own? Italian botanist Stefano Mancuso presents intriguing evidence.


Resources Videos

Nic Marks: The Happy Planet Index (VIDEO on TED)

Statistician Nic Marks asks why we measure a nation’s success by its productivity – instead of by the happiness and well-being of its people. He introduces the Happy Planet Index, which tracks national well-being against resource use (because a happy life doesn’t have to cost the Earth). Which countries rank highest in the HPI? You might be surprised.

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Three Fascinating TED Talks by Jonathan Drori

About Jonathan Drori
Jonathan Drori has dedicated his career to media and learning. As the Head of Commissioning for BBC Online, he commissioned the BBC’s very first websites! After almost two decades at the BBC, he’s now a director at Changing Media Ltd., a media and education consultancy, and is a visiting professor at University of Bristol, where he studies educational media and misperceptions in science. He continues to executive produce the occasional TV series, including 2004’s award-winning “The DNA Story” and 2009’s “Great Sperm Race.” He is on the boards of the Royal Botanic Gardens and the Woodland Trust.

(source: Jonathan Drori’s Bio on TED)

Jonathan Drori: Every pollen grain has a story

Pollen goes unnoticed by most of us, except when hay fever strikes. But microscopes reveal it comes in stunning colors and shapes — and travels remarkably well. Jonathan Drori gives an up-close glimpse of these fascinating flecks of plant courtship.

Plants Resources Videos

Michael Pollan gives a plant’s-eye view

What if human consciousness isn’t the end-all and be-all of Darwinism? What if we are all just pawns in corn’s clever strategy game to rule the Earth? Author Michael Pollan asks us to see the world from a plant’s-eye view.