The latest issue of Sprout Magazine, titled “A BREADUCATION”, just hit the shelves a couple of weeks ago, and with this arrived my complementary copy. Magazine’s publisher and editor Diane Jardine is incredibly warm and wonderful, and she always forwards me a copy, when there is an article I’ve written. This time it was a “Winter Planting Guide” (if you would like to see the pages of the article, please click the images below).
Tag: publication
The current issue of Sydney’s local Sprout Magazine (Autumn 2011) included two articles written by PermaCultured author Tatyana Temirbulatova. This is very exciting, thanks to everyone at Sprout for supporting “the permaculture way”. 🙂
Fun fact! The cover image of the Pest Control article (the one with the chives) was taken on a beautiful sunny morning at Milkwood Permaculture farm. It was a spontaneous photo, without any big plans for fame and glory, but here it is…on a full-colour page in a magazine. Yay!
Exciting news! Sydney’s local Sprout Magazine ran our planting guide feature in its Summer 2010 issue. Click on the images below to get the full scoop!
Thanks to Kirsten Bradley of Milkwood Permaculture for getting us in touch and Diane Jardine of Sprout for publishing it.