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Photographs and Stories From Two Sydney Community Gardens

sydney community gardens
Newtown Community Garden

I woke up on Saturday morning to the sounds of howling wind and rain. I though, “Oh man, this is the day we are visiting Sydney gardens!” I was tempted to crawl back under the warm blankets, but to my surprise the day turned out to be very mild, and even cozy.

On Saturday, September 4 2010, few gardeners from Glebe Community Gardens (including myself) visited two fellow Sydney Community Gardens in an effort to research their methods and understand what successes can be applied at our garden.

Angel Street Permaculture Garden and Newtown Community Garden are a mere 10-minute walk away from each other, but they could not be more different (described below) in their approaches to community gardening. Both are successful and productive, and both have lot’s to teach us about community and abundance.

Food Galleries Get Inspired Get Started Kitchen Gardens Plants Sydney Local

What to plant in August around Sydney (temperate zone)

August is the time to bring out seed catalogues and start to envision what the garden will look like in the summer. Exciting! This year I am ordering my seeds and seedlings from Diggers, and I would highly recommend it to those looking for quality organic and heirloom seeds. Give your garden a strong and natural start!

On to the planting/planning list, graciously provided by Gardenate.

1. Asparagus

Asparagus by Bianca

Where: sow in garden, or plant as crowns; frost tender
Harvest: from 24 months (!!!)

Food Get PermaCultured Get Started Organizations Sydney Local

How to feed 3 adults for 20 dollars and help local farms

It’s a sunny mild morning in Sydney, a perfect day for a leisurely stroll to the local farmer’s market. While waiting for our free-range eggs and bacon to be lovingly prepared, I took a walk around the Taylor Square markets to chat with local sellers, and I came upon this emerging gem.

Rebecca Morgan, creator of Gourmand du Morgan
Rebecca Morgan, creator of Gourmand du Morgan

Rebecca Morgan is the “hands and heart” behind Courmand du Morgan, a company that prepares gourmet locally-sourced meals and delivers them to your door step. What a fantastic alternative to take-out!

Below are my top 5 reasons why you should think of Rebecca for your next take-out meal:

Food Galleries Get Inspired Get Started Kitchen Gardens Plants Sydney Local

What to plant in July around Sydney (temperate zone)

July means winter around here (it’s still hard for me to get used to this), so we are looking at winter crops of mostly roots and thick leafy greens. July’s list is similar to what to plant in June, except as the cold rainy days move in, more tender vegetables move out. June’s list featured 12 brave winter vegetables, where as July brings in only 9. Oh well, we could be under layers of snow, I suppose :).

1. Beetroot

Descanso Gardens - Autumn 2009
Descanso Gardens – Autumn 2009 by Rockin Robin

Where: Sow in garden
Harvest: from August – September

Community Food Get Inspired Stories Sydney Local

Behind the fence of Sydney’s Community Gardens

City of Sydney has graciously sponsored a series of Sydney Community Garden tours, which is a fantastic opportunity to learn and get inspired. My partner and I have been fortunate to join one of the groups on Sunday May 2, 2010.

How it all began…

The tour started with all of us meeting up at Greg Hewish Memorial Community Garden, located on the corner of Ogden Lane and Marriott Street in Redfern. As soon as we walked in, we felt a sense of order and strict alignment at this Community Garden. It utilises raised beds to cater to people with handicaps, and it is thoughtfully divided by graveled paths and brick walls.

Here we began our learning as well. First, we met Russ Grayson who fed us loads of useful information throughout the tour (this information is making its way slowly to this website). We walked around and took some photos, and shortly after loaded into a 21-seatter bus, sponsored by the City of Sydney.

Here we also met Annie Walker, who is the City of Sydney liaison on the subject of Community Gardens. She is wonderful and super pleasant to talk to, and I do believe this tour is largely her achievement. Thank you!

Bountiful harvest