The latest issue of Sprout Magazine, titled “A BREADUCATION”, just hit the shelves a couple of weeks ago, and with this arrived my complementary copy. Magazine’s publisher and editor Diane Jardine is incredibly warm and wonderful, and she always forwards me a copy, when there is an article I’ve written. This time it was a “Winter Planting Guide” (if you would like to see the pages of the article, please click the images below).

I really enjoy reading Sprout Magazine. It’s amongst the only food and conscious-living magazines that focus on our dear local Sydney. It’s one thing to read about hypothetical actions that we could take. But it’s a very different feeling you get, when you read about an exceptional bakery, who cherishes and practices the traditional ways of making sourdough starter with naturally occurring wild yeast (as opposed to chemically derived starters), and then have the ability to visit this place and to look for their products in your local store.
Specifically, in this case I am talking about Brasserie Bread bakery. This issue of Sprout features an interview with chef and baker Michael Klausen, who shares the history, values and public offerings of Brasserie Bread with the readers. Brasseries go beyond just striving to make the best bread possible, but they also educate consumers and wholesale buyers about the benefits of choosing Artisan Bread. They even offer a variety of baking classes, so we can all appreciate the values of tradition, and maybe even make our own loaf! I plan to attend one of their courses myself.
This issue of Sprout Magazine also features an article about ancient grains (quinoa, spelt, einkorn and others), a seasonal shopping guide, plenty of cold-weather recipes and books/DVDs reviews. It’s an issue not-to-be missed. You’ll enjoy it!
Stay warm, thanks for reading :).