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What to Plant in May: 12 Cold Weather Roots & Vegetables to Plant Now in Sydney (Temperate Zone)

1. Garlic

DSC_0143a by zdjecia Jacka P

Where: plant gloves directly into the soil
Harvest: from November

2. Kale

kale from above
kale from above by cJw314

Where: grow in seed trays, and plant out in 4-6 weeks
Harvest: from September

3. Cabbage

What a head of Cabbage
What a head of Cabbage by Gerrysan

Where: grow in seed trays, and plant out in 4-6 weeks
Harvest: from September

4. Cauliflower

Cauliflower by Linda N.

Where: grow in seed trays, and plant out in 4-6 weeks
Harvest: from November

5. Leeks

Leeks from the Garden
Leeks from the Garden by Baha’i Views / Flitzy Phoebie

Where: grow in seed trays, and plant out in 4-6 weeks
Harvest: from October

6. Lettuce

Alex "Growed" This Lettuce!
Alex "Growed" This Lettuce! by Rachael & Zane Ross

Where: sow in garden, or start in seed trays and plant out in 4-6 weeks
Harvest: from August

7. Onion

Planting Perennial Potato Onions
Planting Perennial Potato Onions by Chiot’s Run

Where: grow in seed trays, and plant out in 4-6 weeks
Harvest: from January

8. Parsley

Parsley by Urban Combing (Ultrastar175g)

Where: sow directly into the soil
Harvest: from September

9. Radish

Radishes! by Jeremy Bronson

Where: sow directly into the soil
Harvest: from August

10. Spinach

spinach leaves
spinach leaves by faria!

Where: sow directly into the soil
Harvest: from August

11. Chives

chives by ..tanja..

Where: sow directly into the soil
Harvest: from September

12. Mizuna

mizuna and pepper
mizuna and pepper by momo go

Where: sow directly into the soil
Harvest: from August

Planting guide based on information from Gardenate. All photos are published under Creative Commons license. Thank you!

6 replies on “What to Plant in May: 12 Cold Weather Roots & Vegetables to Plant Now in Sydney (Temperate Zone)”

Thanks again for these ‘what to plant now’ posts, I find them very helpful.

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