1. Garlic
DSC_0143a by zdjecia Jacka P
Where: plant gloves directly into the soil
Harvest: from November
2. Kale
Where: grow in seed trays, and plant out in 4-6 weeks
Harvest: from September
3. Cabbage
What a head of Cabbage by Gerrysan
Where: grow in seed trays, and plant out in 4-6 weeks
Harvest: from September
4. Cauliflower
Where: grow in seed trays, and plant out in 4-6 weeks
Harvest: from November
5. Leeks
Leeks from the Garden by Baha’i Views / Flitzy Phoebie
Where: grow in seed trays, and plant out in 4-6 weeks
Harvest: from October
6. Lettuce
Alex "Growed" This Lettuce! by Rachael & Zane Ross
Where: sow in garden, or start in seed trays and plant out in 4-6 weeks
Harvest: from August
7. Onion
Planting Perennial Potato Onions by Chiot’s Run
Where: grow in seed trays, and plant out in 4-6 weeks
Harvest: from January
8. Parsley
Parsley by Urban Combing (Ultrastar175g)
Where: sow directly into the soil
Harvest: from September
9. Radish
Where: sow directly into the soil
Harvest: from August
10. Spinach
Where: sow directly into the soil
Harvest: from August
11. Chives
Where: sow directly into the soil
Harvest: from September
12. Mizuna
Where: sow directly into the soil
Harvest: from August
Planting guide based on information from Gardenate. All photos are published under Creative Commons license. Thank you!
6 replies on “What to Plant in May: 12 Cold Weather Roots & Vegetables to Plant Now in Sydney (Temperate Zone)”
Fantastic! You can buy organic seeds at Sydney Botanical Garden shop.
Good on you Tatyana. Will go and buy seeds today!
My pleasure, I am glad you find it helpful! I am planning to put together a more comprehensive guide soon too.
This is great. Thanks a lot really helpful
great, I am very glad
Thanks again for these ‘what to plant now’ posts, I find them very helpful.