Community Films Organizations Resources Videos

WWOOF: World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms

WWOOF is a world wide network – It started in the UK in 1971and has since become an international movement that is helping people share more sustainable ways of living.

WWOOF is an exchange – In return for volunteer help, WWOOF hosts offer food, accommodation and opportunities to learn about organic lifestyles.

WWOOF organisations link people who want to volunteer on organic farms or smallholdings with people who are looking for volunteer help.

WWOOF is a world wide network – It started in the UK in 1971and has since become an international movement that is helping people share more sustainable ways of living.

WWOOF is an exchange – In return for volunteer help, WWOOF hosts offer food, accommodation and opportunities to learn about organic lifestyles.

WWOOF organisations link people who want to volunteer on organic farms or smallholdings with people who are looking for volunteer help.

WWOOF hosts:

  • grow organically, are in conversion, or use ecologically sound methods on their land.
  • provide hands-on experience of organic growing and other learning opportunities where possible.
  • provide clean dry accommodation and adequate food for their volunteers.

WWOOFers (volunteers):

  • need a genuine interest in learning about organic growing, country living or ecologically sound lifestyles.
  • help their hosts with daily tasks for an agreed number of hours.